Support Suffield

Planned Giving

Gifts of Personal Property


How It Works

  • You transfer a valuable painting, antique, or other personal property to Suffield Academy.
  • N/a may hold and display the property or use it in the furtherance of its mission.
  • N/a may sell the property at some point in the future and use the proceeds for its mission.


  • You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the appraised value of your gift and pay no capital gains tax, so long as the gift can be used by n/a to carry out its mission.
  • In certain cases, you can use personal property to fund a life-income gift that provides you and/or other loved ones with an income now and benefits n/a in the future.
  • Without using cash, you can make a gift that is immediately beneficial to Suffield Academy.

Suffield Academy   185 North Main Street   Suffield, Connecticut 06078   Phone 860.386.4400  |  Fax 860.386.4411